Chief's Message
Christmas season is upon us! DFPD had a very nice staff/BOD Christmas party, complete with a fantastic meal, and then fun with the annual elephant gift exchange. Triston got the annual vest, which he couldn't get anyone to steal, and everyone gave a big sigh of relief when Nate got the dreaded Randolph the red nosed deer - only to be surprised when the Chief's children collaborated and stole Randolph from Nate. Now Randolph will home with the Chief's family until next year! :~) Travis got a beautiful picture of the Chief that will undoubtably become another annual give away, and Kim stole some heated hand warmers from Jesse, only to get them stolen back from Jesse's son. Kim ended up with a dragon beta fish from (surprise!) Jesse, who is now the station mascot, Puff, the Dragon Fish. Puff is residing in Kim's office and is actually quite pretty. He is available for visits if anyone wants to come down and visit him.
While this is a slow time for fire seaon, there is always the danger of eletric fires due to added burden on home eletricity with all the beatiful lights and Christmas decorations. Please take care to make sure you are aware of any odors or visable signs of electric overload.
This is also a time for an uptake in EMT services. The stress of the holidays and extra travel on often icy roads can increase the need for ambulance services. Be extra careful when driving, and try to de-stress during the season.
We here at DFPD want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, and a beautiful new year! May you be especially blessed as we ring in another year.
Chief Forest Matis